Reven Capital is a value real estate investment management firm focused on global real estate investments. We seek opportunistic investments in real estate, debt, real estate public securities, and special situations. We target investments in countries with established indices with volatility due to macroeconomics, cyclical trends, geo-political situations, mismanaged companies and assets.
At Reven Capital we believe environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) are important factors that can positively impact our earth, society, and returns.
Reven Capital has always believed in doing the right thing for all aspects of our business. This includes doing the right thing for our society, our environment and achieving superior results for our investors.
Through our commitment to responsible and sustainable real estate investing, we intend to increase our risk adjusted returns for our investors by being good stewards of following, maintaining and promoting our ESG values with everyone.
Our ESG policy will apply to all funds managed by Reven Capital. Our policy is subject to all laws and regulations. Reven will require operating partners to practice our ESG policies and encourage vendors to also follow our ESG policy.
Reven Capital has a global view on the environment which is shared by all team members and we encourage all operating partners and vendors to do the same. We are committed to reducing our water, energy, waste and greenhouse gas emissions. By encouraging others to apply resource reduction strategies, we believe we have improved our lives, environmental performance and investment performance.
We work with our operating partners to achieve green certifications on our investments such as Energy Star, LEED, Greenmark and other platforms. All investment business plan will have these considerations which will be benchmarked for progress and success.
Reven Capital has a strong belief in supporting the societies we live, work and invest in. This includes supporting communities through volunteer time and charitable giving.
Reven Capital supports diversity and believes it can be achieved through education and opportunity. We strive to meet the needs of diversity in our society and investments. We will share our beliefs on diversity with our team, vendors, investors and our politicians. We believe that in order to create real diversity there needs to be equal education opportunities for all. This means doing what it takes to increase college graduation rates for all equally. We believe education is the key to better employment opportunities, financial equality and unity.
Reven Capital will strive to ensure our team is aligned on our ESG policies. We will educate and encourage team members to improve these policies. We are always open to new ideas to improve as we grow our firm and team. Our ESG policies are part of our culture and our code of conduct. We are committed to creating diversity, saving our planet, improving our society and producing strong consistent returns for our investors.
Reven Capital will share our ESG policy with our vendors which outlines our expectations for businesses and individuals wishing to do business with us. We are committed to doing business with companies that align with our policies and values.
Reven Capital’s team has both public and private experience. Through our public experience, we have learned the importance of having governance, oversite and transparency. This also includes having policies and procedures on how we conduct our business, our code of conduct and reporting violations. We believe in a formal governance to ensure industry best practices throughout our business.